January 15 2023

Learning for Life: 9:30

JOIN our Worship Service: 11:00 am

Listen to the sermon: Joel Russell-MacLean

Watch the recent Worship Service

The Wedding at Cana

Bulletin:    January 15, 2023

Newsletter:   January 8-15, 2023

Scriptures: Amos 9:11-15; Psalm 40:1-11; 1 Corinthians 1:4-9; John 2:1-12


Joel Russell-MacLean

The wine ran out at the wedding of Cana. Why did this matter? Cana is an out of the way place. The wedding party itself is not even named. And yet, Jesus’ blessed this otherwise ordinary place with his first sign. 

As well, that the wedding couple ran out of provisions here makes me wonder if they were vulnerable to running short later in life as well. Jesus acted here once but they may have had futher crises. I wonder if they looked at their water, their belongings, perhaps even the world itself, differently from their wedding onward.

We are not spared shortages. We have run out of what is needed for life, whether it is basic needs like water or income for food, or if it is our health, energy, or friends passing away. Was there a time when Jesus filled your life with goodness? It could have been in a time and place insignificant to all but yourself. 

Jesus’ sign was more than all of this though. Jesus was pointing towards a time when he will transform us and all of our lack and loss into abundance and joy. 

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