Learning for Life: 9:30
JOIN our Worship Service: 11:00 am

Fully Human, Fully God
Listen to the sermon Joel Russell-MacLean
Watch the recent Worship Service
Bulletin: Bulletin February 14
Newsletter: Weekly Letter February 14 2021
Scriptures: 2 Kings 2:5-12; Psalm 50:1-6; Mark 8:27-38, 9:1-10
- Immortal, Invisible (lyrics; Halifax-Minster/Lyrics)
- Shine, Jesus Shine (video, author, GK homepage, lyrics & background)
- This is my Father’s World (video, Grant, background)
Joel Russell-MacLean
Peter, James, and John went up the mountain with Jesus to pray. Jesus and his clothing were changed. He was suddenly shining and clothed in brilliant light. This is referred to as the transfiguration of Jesus.
This story, like every story in Mark, is about Jesus’ identity, his character, and his greatness. However, since this event reveals something about Jesus, it therefore reveals the truth about God and about being human as well.