What is Voice?
Voice is a women’s literature group which meets every two weeks. We discuss a book related to our spiritual journey.
Reading and discussing literature is a way of understanding our society, and how as Christians to relate intelligently to our ever changing world. We often gain insights about ourselves when we read. This is one way we can “love the Lord with our minds” and truly “Think First.” And it’s just plain fun too!
What are we reading?
Reaching for the Invisible God, by Philip Yancy.
- Read the Goodread review; reader reviews
- Chapter 1, free Audiobook sample.
- The Author: Philip Yancey. Philip Yancey serves as editor-at-large for Christianity Today magazine. He has written thirteen Gold Medallion Award-winning books and won two ECPA Book of the Year awards. Four of his books have sold over one million copies.
- Philip tells his story.
This relationship with a God we can’t see, hear, or touch–how does it really work?
This is Philip’s most personal and introspective book. In it he explores times of doubt, silence, and confusion that occur in the Christian life. He gives practical hints on how to cope with the inevitable problems that arise in a relationship with a God who is invisible.
Meeting Details
We are meeting every second Wednesday at Martha’s home. The next meeting is Wednesday, March 6, 2013, 7:15 pm. Call the church office at 359-1450 for further details.
This event is open to any woman who has read the book and would like to meet new people and join in fellowship and fun.