September 6 2020

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Tune in to our Facebook page Sunday @ 11 to view the live stream of the service.


Learning for Life: First Peter 9:30

JOIN our Worship Service: 11:00 am

Sentimentality and the Power of God

Listen to the sermon Joel Russell-MacLean

Watch the recent Worship Service

Bulletin: Bulletin September 6

Newsletter: Weekly Letter August 30

Scriptures: Deuteronomy 34; Psalm 90; John 3.22-30



Joel Russell-MacLean

Moses was alone at his death but for one person. Together, they stood on a mountain ridge and looked out over a land that Moses had longed to see. That land would have meant rest and settling down but he never reached it. Behind and below them were the people Moses had led out of slavery in Egypt. Moses knew his time had come. God alone stood beside Moses in those final moments on the mountain.

God laid Moses’ body in the grave when he died.

Why might we admire Moses? Certainly many have learned about spiritual life and leadership by meditating on his story and his words. Certainly, the things God did through him have never been seen since. More incredible still was his connection to God. “No prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face.”

Moses blamed the people twice as the reason he was prevented from entering the land. However, right beside this finger-pointing are God’s words, placing the blame instead at Moses’ feet. God didn’t gloss over sin or flaws in sentimental funeral fashion but God loved Moses and was with him at the end.

This truthful eulogy seems far more powerful and applicable. Love helps us look at one another honestly. We can admit flaws and sin knowing that God loves us and will be with us to the end.




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