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Tune in to our Facebook page Sunday @ 11 to view the live stream of the service.
Learning for Life: Romans 9:30 am
JOIN our Worship Service: 11:00 am
He Will Come to Judge the Living and the Dead
Listen to the sermon Norma Holtslander
Watch the recent Worship Service
Bulletin: November 22
Newsletter: Weekly Letter November 22 2020
Scriptures: Psalm 145:1-3, 9-13; I Thessalonians 4:13-18; Matthew 25:31-46
- All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (choir, contemporary,)
- Crown Him with Many Crowns (lyrics & melody, choir, video, 2, energetic, history, 2, meditation)
- The King Is Coming (Live)
Norma Holtslander 
On the Sunday before Advent, we reflect upon one last statement in the Apostles’ Creed.
What does it mean that Jesus is coming?