March 17 2024

Learning for Life: 9:30 am – The Gospel According to Mark 

JOIN our Worship Service: 11:00 am


Listen to the sermon: Joel Russell-MacLean

Watch the recent Worship Service



“Drawing Near to Jesus”

The Fifth Sunday in Lent

Bulletin: March 17 2024

Scriptures: Colossians 2:6-10; Psalm 143; Mark 10:32-42



Joel Russell-MacLean

Jesus intentionally turned toward Jerusalem, where he would lose his life. He was living out what he taught. Jesus showed his disciples in all he said and did that to be human is to depend on God for identity, direction, help, and life itself. 

Over the coming weeks of Lent, we will consider several things Jesus taught as he prepared for his suffering and death on a cross.  

First, since we struggle to find God, we are tempted to take control. We are tempted to depend on ourselves and our systems. Politics, religion, and even family can become a means of controlling others.

Then, instead of helping us confront our failings or sins, our institutions can hide and protect us from seeing the true state of our hearts and make our sins seem normal, justified, or even necessary. 

Jesus pointed to the children of his day as examples of how we ought to live if we want to follow him. Children know they depend on others and know their control is limited. 

Jesus also modelled relinquishing control of others and trusting and obeying God even if it costs your life. Paradoxically, Jesus’ way leads to an abundant life. 



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