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The Escape to Egypt
Listen to the sermon Eric Warren Sermon Slides
Watch the recent Worship Service
Bulletin: Bulletin December 27
Newsletter: Weekly Letter Dec 20 & 27 2020
Scriptures: Psalm 98; Matthew 2:13-23
- O Come All Ye Faithful (Chris Tomlin; Choir/Lyrics)
- Good Christian Friends Rejoice (lyrics & melody, video, w lyrics, acapella, 2, background, meditation)
- Joy To the World (lyrics, melody, author, background, video, choir, contemporary, dance, meditation)
- I Saw Three Ships (lyrics & melody, video, 2, background)
- Go Tell It On the Mountain (lyrics, video, 2, Getty, kids, meditation)
- On Christmas Night (lyrics & melody, video, 2, video w lyrics, background)
Eric Warren 
Warned by an angel of the Lord in a dream to flee to Egypt, Matthew’s Gospel informs its readers that Joseph obediently left with Mary and Jesus the same night.
Why Egypt? Where did the holy family go and what did they do during their time there?
Did they see the Pyramids? Did they use some of the gold from the Wiseman for their expenses? How long did they stay?
Jesus’ time in Egypt birthed long-standing traditions that continue to impact Egyptian Coptic Christians to this day.
Today we will sample some of those traditions that speak to these questions.