August 2 2020

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Tune into our Facebook page Sunday @ 11 to view the live stream of the service.


Learning for Life: First Peter 9:30

JOIN our Worship Service: 11:00 am


God’s Words

Listen to the sermon Ron Phillips

Watch the recent Worship Service

Bulletin: August 2

Newsletter: Weekly Letter July 26

Scriptures: Exodus 24:1-18Psalm 23Matthew 26:26-29


Ron Phillips

Sometimes we find in the Bible words that are unfamiliar to us or perhaps uncomfortable for us. That is the case in Exodus 24 and in Matthew 26:26-29. Yet these words are ones through which God has chosen to communicate with us and we do well to try to grasp them. The words we will look at this Sunday are: covenant, blood, glory, and worship.

God willing, these words will speak to us and form us in new ways, for our good and for God’s glory.

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