August 14 2022

Learning for Life will resume in the fall

JOIN our Worship Service: 10:00 am

Listen to the sermon: Kayely Rich

Watch the recent Worship Service

“Difficult Words”

Bulletin: August 14, 2022

Newsletter:  August 7-14, 2022

Scriptures: Isaiah 5:1-7; Psalm 80:1-2,8-19; Hebrews 11:29-12:2, Luke 12:49-56


Kayely Rich

When you think of a love song what comes to mind? In this week’s Old Testament reading we are confronted with a song, written in the structure of a love song, yet expressing God’s grief for God’s people who were on a path leading to trouble. God’s love and God’s grief are evident here. Fortunately, this shocking and usual love song present an opportunity for God’s people to reflect. Where would they like their life path to take them? This is a question for us to ask both individually and corporately.

View of Vineyards Naramata Penticton Okanagan British Columbia Canada

Where would you like your life path to take you? Where should the church’s path go?

Do you sense that God loves you enough to grieve over you

when you are on the wrong path? 

Is there a course correction you would like to make today?



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