You’ll never catch William sleeping on the job!
Our head usher William is always on the move, with eyes wide open, making sure everyone who enters is made welcome, watching for anything out of the ordinary. He runs a tight ship. No sleeping on the job for this guy! Here is William’s story, as told to Esther Wiens in March 2017.
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(Esther Wiens: EW, Willaim Crook: WC)
William: you are one of the first persons I meet when I arrive at church on Sunday morning. You have a way of making me feel welcome. Thank you for that.
Esther: When did you first come to FBC and what brought you here?
WC: I came here in 1999/2000. I was high up in the board of another denomination here in Regina, and there were two key events that led me away from them.
First, I represented my church at the time at a planning meeting for a summer camp for kids. I was 1 of 26 people, each of whom represented a local church. A Pastor came with money to rent camp space and the following proposal: camp staff should not “teach Jesus to children because teaching Jesus hurts kids.” I strongly disagreed, saying we need in some form to present Jesus to the children.
After an angry response to this from the pastor, it was decided to put the matter to a vote. Of the 26 persons present, 25 voted against teaching Jesus. I alone voted for Him.
Secondly: a few days later I participated in a pastoral search. The chairperson of the committee proposed that we remove parts of the Bible: Jesus, mention of sin and bad actions, including Leviticus 18:22, 20:13 and 1 Cor 6:9 to 20). I was the only one who voted against these proposals.
That evening I watched a Texas Baptist Church service on television. The preacher strongly urged any listener who was in a church that doesn’t teach the word of GOD and JESUS to “GET OUT.” So that night I prayed to GOD to show me what to do and where to go. He sent me a dream in which I saw an aerial view of FBC and an adjacent park. The next day I walked to the church and talked to John Nelson. I had found my new home.
EW: What exactly is your job description? I have the impression that you go well beyond what you’ve been asked to do.
WC: I do a few things: usher, greet, run the elevator and security. During Learning for Life I watch for new folk coming in. Later I put the offering in the safe, after praying for it and for the people. I help with communion, help anyone who needs help or I get others to help, watch for unwanted people during the Kids service, and help with Easter and Christmas concerts. I’m busy and I love it; I love serving GOD. (Thank you Jesus.)
EW: What do like best about your job/service?
WC: I like all of my tasks, from serving or helping or talking to people; also seeing the little ones run around. (It’s been 17 years).
EW: You give me the impression that you like your work, but there must be some frustrations. Can you talk about them?
WC: Not getting anyone to help is my biggest frustration. But I leave everything in GOD’s hand in prayer and he always comes through!
EW: How can we as a church body and leadership best support you and make your job easier?
WC: Never really thought about that, another head usher would be nice. : )
EW: If Christ were to ask you, as he did Peter in the Bible, “William, do you love me?” How would you answer in more than just one word?
WC: I would say I love Him with my whole heart, soul, mind, and body. That’s why I serve every week. I offer Him my service as well as the first fruits of all he blesses me with. Some day I hope to hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”