Voice Regular – Soldier Who Killed a King

Event Details

This event finished on 29 November 2017

Voice is a women’s literature group which meets every two weeks on Wednesday evening. We discuss a book related to our spiritual journey.

Reading and discussing literature is a way of understanding our society, and how as Christians to relate intelligently to our ever changing world. We often gain insights about ourselves when we read. This is one way we can “love the Lord with our minds” and truly “Think First.” And it’s just plain fun too!

What are we reading?

We are reading “The Soldier Who Killed a King” by David Kitz.

fbcevent_voice_SoldierKilledKing-KitzIt is an account of the Passion Story, narrated by the centurion who was on duty during the clash between pagan Rome and the temple Jewish hierarchy at the time of Christ in about 30 A.D. This is not a bland retelling of the familiar story, but a gripping story told in novel form.

Meeting Details

We are meeting every second Wednesday, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the home of Martha P. We will be studying chapters of the book.

If you are interested in joining Voice or just want more info – please talk to Laureen Snook (306-757-8403) or Martha Pauls (306-586-7015).

This event is open to any woman who has / would like to read this book and would like to meet new people and join in fellowship and fun.

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