Voice Novel & Meal – Precious Cargo

Event Details

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What is Voice?

Voice is a women’s literature group which meets every two weeks. We discuss a book related to our spiritual journey.

Additionally, we also meet occasionally to discuss a novel over a meal. This “novel” event is open to a wider audience, and allows first-timers an easy entry into the group.

Reading and discussing literature is a way of understanding our society, and how as Christians to relate intelligently to our ever changing world. We often gain insights about ourselves when we read. This is one way we can “love the Lord with our minds” and truly “Think First.” And it’s just plain fun too!

The “Novel” Event is Open to All

This event is open to any woman who has read the book and would like to meet new people and join in fellowship and friendship.

What are we reading for the “Novel” discussion?

Craig Davidson‘s “Precious Cargo: My Year of Driving the Kids on School Bus 307 

fbcevent_voicenovel_preciouscargoBefore his success as an author, Craig Davidson experienced a period of poverty, apparent failure and despair. In Precious Cargo, Davidson tells the story of one year in his life. In 2008, desperate, impoverished and living in a one-room basement apartment while trying unsuccessfully to write, Davidson plucked a flyer out of his mailbox that read, “Bus Drivers Wanted.” That was the first step towards an unlikely new career: driving a school bus full of special-needs kids for a year. (From the publisher).

Quick Links:


We are meeting at Martha P’s on Saturday, November 12th, 10:00 am for a potluck brunch meal. Call Laureen at 306-757-8403 or the church office at 306-359-1450 ext 221 to indicate your attendance or for further details.

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