Lebanon Fundraiser 2023

Event Details

The missions commission held our annual Lebanon fundraiser luncheon Sunday June 4th, following the morning service, in the lower hall.  

Joe Bridi from CBM and the LSESD joined us live from Beirut to share about ministry among refugees, supporting Arab Baptist Seminary graduates planting and leading churches in Sudan, especially during the period of conflict recently, and to the earthquake victims in Syria, to name a few. 

Pastor Cheryl shared about her upcoming visit to Beirut representing us at the Lebanese Society for Education and Social Development 25th Anniversary Celebration. 

The menu was delicious Lebanese food.

FBC Regina’s partnership with CBM in Lebanon:

First Baptist Church Regina has an ongoing commitment to our partnership through Canadian Baptist Ministries with the work in Lebanon in three areas:

1. Botros Team Support

Support Emad and Almess Botros in their ministry in Lebanon, which includes teaching and mentoring students at Arab Baptist Theological Seminary, as well as work with Iraqi and Syrian refugees in Lebanon. 

2. Bridi Team Support

Support Joe Bridi in his ministry in Lebanon, which includes working with Lebanese partners on ministry strategies and projects supported by CBM, working to support pastors and churches in Sudan, and working with Syrian refugees.

3. Syrian Refugee Support

These funds make it possible for Syrian refugee children to participate in children’s ministry programs including camp ministries, online ministries and “camp-in-a-box” resources for families.

Our goal for this year is to raise $10,000 in addition to the funding budgeted through the Mission Commision’s portion of the annual church budget.

Ways to give:

1. Online with a credit card: https://www.givetogo.org/team/FBCRegina

2. Mail, or drop off, your donation to First Baptist Church, 2241 Victoria Ave, Regina SK S4P 0S4. (Please do not leave cash in the mailbox.) If you require an in-person pick up, call the church at (306) 359-1450.

            Make cheques out to “CBM”
            Note “SENT Lebanon” in the memo line or on the envelope

3. To set up monthly automatic donations, please either: 

  1. Phone Barb Keys at CBM at 905-821-3533, who will take your information and get it set up properly.
  1. Go to the CBM donations page at https://www.cbmin.org/donate/.  Select, monthly, where most needed, input the desired amount, and then click add to donation.  When entering billing information on the next page there is a box titled “Additional Information”  Please write in “Lebanon – First Baptist Regina Partnership” and it will be set up properly.
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