Sunday Evenings, beginning September 11, 2022
Please join us online for the sessions – Click this link
Understanding Our Bible

led by Dr. Axel Schoeber
Have you ever wondered why some Psalms ask God for things that Jesus tells us we should not want? Have you noticed how the prophets are filled with both anger and hope? How is that possible? Why are some of strange and frightening images included in portions of the prophets and in Revelation? Why four gospels and not one? Who are the authors of the New Testament letters arguing with? Have you ever treated a Proverb as though it was a promise? The Old Testament histories and Acts have some strange stories in them. What difference do they make for our lives? Some laws of ancient Israel make sense to us, and others puzzle us. How do we take them seriously today? These are questions we bring to the Bible as we seek to understand and apply God’s Word in our lives today.
We will wrestle with these questions and others in a class led by Dr. Axel Schoeber this fall. The dates are September 11, 18, 25, October 16, 23, 30, November 6, 20, 27 (no long weekends). The class will be held at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Victoria, BC. We have been invited to join remotely via Zoom. A link will be provided in the First This Week email.
If you have any questions about either of the Learning for Life classes please contact Pastor Kayely by email or by calling (306) 737-0393.
[Zoom only]