If you are 55 years and older, this enthusiastic group is for YOU!
Anticipation • Celebration • Humor • Inspiration • Enlightenment • Vibrancy • Excitement • Reconnection • Spirituality
Thursday, October 25, 2018, 11:45-1:15. Mark your calendars now!
(We meet every 4th Thursday, September – April, except December)
- Cost: $10.00
- Menu: A tantalizing meal provided by FBC’s famous chef Dean Gilchrist. Meal specifics TBA.
- What: The luncheon begins with a warm welcome, announcements, humor, a devotional, and prayer of the meal.
- Who: This luncheon is open to both church communities and the community at large.
This is my Story!
Speaker: Alicyn Miller

PLEASE RSVP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Email: or 306-359-1450 ext 223 or ext 221
Previous Presentations
Many of these presentations can be viewed and heard on the Folks at First website page. Carolyn Ward, Kevin Rich, John Hillmer, Barry Lyons, Ivy Scobie, Irene Sotropa, Timothy Long, Ron Philips, John Nelson, Rod Donnison, and many others.
Upcoming Guest speakers
- November 22: Henry Friesen
- January 24: Dianne Campeau
- February 28: Marilyn Braun-Pollon
- March 28: Merv Tippe
- April 25: John Robinson
- May 23: Reade Holtslander