Achievers Luncheon – Apr 22 2021

Event Details

  • Date:
  • Categories:

If you are 55 years and older, this enthusiastic group is for YOU!
Anticipation • Celebration • Humor • Inspiration • Enlightenment • Vibrancy • Excitement • Reconnection • Spirituality


Thursday, April 22, 2021, Noon-1:00pm. Mark your calendars now!
(We meet every 4th Thursday, September – April, except December)

  • Cost: NO COST… we will meet virtually via Zoom
  • Menu: You will be providing you own luncheon delights. Perhaps you would consider inviting a friend over to share a meal or dessert during the talk.
  • What: The luncheon begins with a warm welcome, announcements, humor, a devotional, and prayer of the meal. Followed by our guest speaker with an interesting topic.
  • Who: This event is open to both church communities and the community at large.

[CLICK to join the Zoom session]


My Life Journey on Reflection

Speaker: Jeff Sotropa

Jeff Sotropa grew up in Regina and has spent most of the past 20 years living near Kimberley, BC. When he watches football, he makes sure he always cheers for the Riders. He is father of two strapping lads, the younger of which he has to go on tippy-toes to hug goodnight.

Jeff has worked in communications, marketing, graphic design and writing for most of his career. He is currently expanding his vocational pursuits more deeply into music, and is studying composition and film scoring. He is also expanding his family unit this summer with fiancée Keri and her two boys who have to go on tippy-toes to hug him.

Jeff isn’t sure what wisdom he can offer to such a deeply experienced group as the Achievers, but he will nonetheless talk about the twists and turns of his life and how these have shaped who he is and how he approaches each day.


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