Lebanon Partnership

Lebanon Fundraiser 2022…it’s not too late to make a difference

Our Goal  |  Where Your Gift Goes  |  Middle East Consultation  |  SENT Team

On Sunday, August 28th, 2022, we held our annual missions fundraiser in support of our partnership with Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM), the Lebanese Society for Educational and Social Development (LSESD), and the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS). The fundraiser was held at the home of Bryan and Carmen Orthner in the form of a patio party. We were treated to a great meal of Lebanese food which Bryan and Carmen had prepared.

Following the meal, Bryan shared some information about Lebanon. Here are a few examples of the challenges facing the Lebanese people:

  • A shortage of power, which often results in having electricity available for only four hours a day.
  • One of the worst inflation rates in the world. The United Nations estimated that 82 percent of the country was living in poverty by the end of 2021.
  • The highest per capita population of refugees in the world, which continues to put an enormous strain on social services, infrastructure and employment.

Bryan also shared about some of the ways that Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM) is working in conjunction with its partner, the Lebanese Society for Educational and Social Development (LSESD) to help meet the needs. For more information about the challenges facing the people of Lebanon and how CBM, working with its Lebanese partners, is helping to meet the needs, click on these two links:


Our goal:

Last year, our Lebanon fundraiser raised over $17,000, which was almost twice our goal of $9,000. This year, we are aiming for $12,000 – help us meet (or beat!) our goal this year! To date, we have already seen just under $6,000 given toward the 2022 fundraiser. Thank you to everyone who has given!

Ways to give:

  1. Online with a credit card: https://www.givetogo.org/team/FBCRegina
  2. Mail, or drop off, your donation to First Baptist Church, 2241 Victoria Ave, Regina SK S4P 0S4. (Please do not leave cash in the mailbox.) If you require an in-person pick up, call the church at (306) 359-1450.
    Make cheques out to “CBM”
    Note “SENT Lebanon” in the memo line or on the envelope
  3. To set up monthly automatic donations, please either:
    1. Phone Barb Keys at CBM at 905-821-3533, who will take your information and get it set up properly.
    2. Go to the CBM donations page at https://www.cbmin.org/donate/.  Select, monthly, where most needed, input the desired amount, and then click add to donation.  When entering billing information on the next page there is a box titled “Additional Information”  Please write in “Lebanon – First Baptist Regina Partnership” and it will be set up properly.


Where your gift goes:

First Baptist Church Regina has an ongoing commitment to our partnership through Canadian Baptist Ministries with the work in Lebanon in three areas:

  1. Botros Team Support
    Support Emad and Almess Botros in their ministry in Lebanon. Emad is an Assistant Professor in the areas of Old Testament and Islamic Studies at ABTS, where he trains and equips students for ministry across the Middle East and North Africa.
  2. Middle East Consultation
    MEC 2022 will be held online. Support will help to cover the conference costs as well as registration costs for non-western participants.
  3. Syrian Refugee Support
    These funds make it possible for Syrian refugee children to participate in children’s ministry programs, including camp ministries, online ministries, and “camp-in-a-box” resources for families.

Watch for more highlights in the newsletter and on the website in days to come!

To learn about the ministry of our CBM partner in Lebanon, visit the LSESD website or watch this video.



Middle East Consultation

The Arab Baptist Theological Seminary sponsors the Middle East Consultation program to equip the Church to live Christ-like witness amid the complex realities of ministry in and beyond Middle Eastern contexts. The Middle East Consultation is an annual event bringing together church and ministry leaders of the Arab world, members of NGOs and mission agencies, Christian thinkers and practitioners, individuals engaging in contexts of Islam, and anyone with a curiosity and concern for issues impacting Christ-followers in the Middle East. MEC 2022 will be held online on September 21, 22, and 23.


SENT to Lebanon Team

We traveled June 14-27, 2019 to visit our Lebanese partners and ministries. Meet our SENT team.

The trip itinerary included the Middle East Consultation in Beirut on the theme “Thinking Biblically about Muslims, Mohammad and the Qur’an.” The team also got to know our mission partners, Emad & Almess Botros, their sons, Timothy and Nathaniel, and to see firsthand some of their ministries with students at Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS), with churches and with refugees. The team also met CBM field staff Elie and Mireille Haddad (ABTS president), and Joe and Alexandra Bridi, and visited churches ministering to refugees in several Lebanese cities.

Here is a description of the ministry exchange CBM prepared for us: SENT teams description.

For more information on the work of ABTS seminary: Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS)

Due to the COVID pandemic, First Baptist Church Regina has not been able to plan for another SENT trip to Lebanon. We are hoping to begin planning for a future trip in 2023.


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