Voice Regular – Ragamuffin Gospel

Event Details

This event finished on 23 January 2019

Voice is a women’s literature group which meets every two weeks on Wednesday evening. We discuss a book related to our spiritual journey.

Reading and discussing literature is a way of understanding our society, and how as Christians to relate intelligently to our ever changing world. We often gain insights about ourselves when we read. This is one way we can “love the Lord with our minds” and truly “Think First.” And it’s just plain fun too!

What are we reading?

We are reading “The Ragamuffin Gospel” by Brennan Manning.

The Ragamuffin Gospel is a book about the essence of Christianity by former Franciscan priest Brennan Manning. Manning argues that Jesus’ gospel was one of grace, and that efforts to earn salvation are impossibly misguided. He states that the true meaning of God’s grace has been lost in society amidst a constant search to merely please God, as though the Almighty is only a “small minded book keeper,” who tallies sins and uses them against humanity. Citing numerous biblical references and utilizing colleagues’ stories, Manning illustrates the simple need for humanity to accept the freedom of God’s grace, and its power to change lives. A popular quote from the book: “To evangelize a person is to say to him or her: you, too, are loved by God in the Lord Jesus.” It was first published in 1990. -Wikipedia.

Meeting Details

We are meeting every second Wednesday, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the home of Martha P. We will be studying chapters of the book.

If you are interested in joining Voice or just want more info – please talk to Laureen Snook (306-757-8403) or Martha Pauls (306-586-7015).

This event is open to any woman who has / would like to read this book and would like to meet new people and join in fellowship and fun.

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