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Listen to the sermon Joel Russell-MacLean
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Becoming Living Beings
Bulletin: Bulletin May 23
Newsletter: Weekly Letter May 23 2021
Scriptures: Ezekiel 37:1-14; Psalm 104; Romans 8:18-23; John 20:19-22
- The Comforter Has Come (lyrics & melody, video, contemporary, rollicking, commentary)
- Holy Spirit (Keith Getty & Stuart Townend) (lyrics, melody & background, video)
- There is a Redeemer (Keith Green/lyrics, lyrics. brief history)
Joel Russell-MacLean 
On Pentecost we celebrate the Holy Spirit, God our creator, come to live within us.
If you were to explain salvation, or briefly tell someone the gospel story, where would you stop and start? Often, the salvation story begins and ends with the cross and maybe the resurrection. What then do we do with the Holy Spirit?
Is The Holy Spirit is simply a stop-gap, a ghostly presence to help us reach heaven? Did the Holy Spirit come just to get the church started?
All four gospels have this in common. Each begins with an announcement that Jesus is coming in order to pour out the Holy Spirit.
The sending of the Holy Spirit is not a subplot, it is the main point of the resurrection.
On Pentecost, we celebrate humanity’s first glimpse of God’s ultimate purpose for creation, and God’s loving purpose for us. God the Father means to live among us through Jesus Christ and to fill us and all creation with life and love through the Holy Spirit.