Here is a list of Holy Week Worship Services and Events. You are encouraged to attend as we remember the events leading to the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Sunday, April 14
Learning for Life, 9:30 am. Gospel of Mark.
Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. Distribution of Palms.
Easter Alleluia, 7:00 p.m. A Concert of Music for Holy Week and Easter.
Choirs, handbells, soloists, instrumentalists, readings. See poster and description.
Thursday, April 18
Maundy Thursday, 7:00 p.m. On this day we remember how Jesus established the Lord’s Supper and gave the “great commandment” to love one another. This will be a subdued but beautiful a cappella worship service. Holy Communion will be celebrated. See background & description.
Good Friday, April 19
See description.
Joint Choir Rehearsal, 9:30 a.m. Westhill Park Church.
Good Friday Service, 10:30 a.m. This is a joint service involving First Baptist, Argyle Road Baptist and Westhill Park Baptist churches.
NOTE: This service takes place at Westhill Park Baptist Church, 8025 Sherwood Drive.
Easter Sunday, April 21
Sunrise Service, 6:30 a.m. A short open air Easter sunrise service of Scripture reading and hymns at the Wascana Marina. Everyone is invited to breakfast at First Baptist Church following the Sunrise Service. See description.
Easter Sunday Morning Worship! 11:00 a.m. Christ is Risen! From the Easter greeting to the Hallelujah chorus, this joyful celebration of God’s victory is the high point in our calendar as a congregation. Consider bringing a friend to this incredible service and the easter egg hunt for children which follows.
There will be a traditional singing of Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus” at the conclusion of the service by congregational members joining the Sanctuary Choir in the choir loft.