FBC Blog

Monthly thoughts from First Baptist Church


January 22 2023

The past few weeks, frost has painted our trees heavily and neither wind nor sun have interfered. They’ve granted us moments of white-arched streets lit by yellow street lamps and warm home windows; brilliant, white tree-lace against blue sky; and soft white tendrils subtly merging into soft grey clouds. Every day on my walks to […]

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January 8 2023

After good times celebrating together during our Christmas services, we are resuming the regular activities of our life together: work and prayer, fellowship and study. We have put away the decorations and the carols until next year. Now the choirs, the children’s programs, the Bible studies, and the mission work carries on. We continue from

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December 25 2022

Merry Christmas!      “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness… And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and

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December 11 2022

On Sunday the 4th, following communion, around 100 people gathered in the lower hall for our first Christmas meal together in three years. It was a good time with friends, family, and a few guests and visitors. Thank you so much to all those who planned and prepared it. Our concert season is upon us

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December 4 2022

(Sue Bornowsky) An Advent Reflection       “Secular society knows a little something about Christmas but virtually nothing about Advent. The danger for the Church is to end up going in this same direction. In our rush to get to the manger, we are tempted to downplay—or completely ignore—the Advent themes that the Church has

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