Learning for Life: 9:30
JOIN our Worship Service: 11:00 am

“Lack, Loss, and Love”
Listen to the sermon Joel Russell-MacLean
Watch the recent Worship Service
Bulletin: Bulletin March 14
Newsletter: Weekly Letter March 14
Scriptures: Ephesians 2:1-10; Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22; Mark 10:17-31.
- Praise the Father, Praise the Son (lyrics, melody, background, video, solo, meditation)
- Speak O Lord (lyrics/history, video with lyrics)
- He Hideth my Soul (lyrics & melody, acappella, video, background, 2, meditation)
Joel Russell-MacLean
Jesus is at work in your life because of his compassion for you. What Jesus’ says to you may be encouraging or may be challenging, but God is not trying to trip you up. Neither is God indifferent to your struggles. However, God does see things in each of us that need to change. The change is not possible apart from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The authority in our lives must remain with the living Jesus and what the Holy Spirit is saying to us. Our commitment to seek the Father’s will in this way may be costly.
Therefore, Jesus promises that we do not travel this road alone. We have a church family among whom we share our struggles and find encouragement, comfort, and practical support. With our church family, we look toward the age that is to come when we will be transformed along with all creation.
In this week’s gospel lesson, Jesus specifically addressed the hold money and possessions had on the man who approached him. Given the wealth around us and the focus on shopping in our culture, we should be alert to the threat this poses to our health. Anxiety and fear, envy and greed, are common afflictions among us. Who can be saved? It is impossible for us on our own but not for God.