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Learning for Life: First Peter 9:30
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Bulletin: August 9
Newsletter: Weekly Letter Aug 2, 2020
Scriptures: Numbers 12.1-16; Psalm 119.65-72; Luke 6.37-45
- I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (choral; solo with lyrics)
- I Surrender All (lyrics & melody, video, background)
- Come, All Christians, Be Committed (lyrics, melody, video, guitar, author, devotional)
Joel Russell-MacLean
Israel could not seem to take a step without running into trouble on their journey from Egypt to the promised land. Every story seems to be about complaints or rebellion. Presumably, most days things went well. I suppose when you wander the desert for forty years, one day looks much like the next. There isn’t much to tell except when something goes wrong.
This time, it was a family affair. Moses’ brother Aaron and his sister Miriam complained about him and questioned his leadership. Things escalated quickly.
What should we do when we think someone is saying or doing something wrong?
This story is a cautionary tale of talking about others behind their back or being eager to confront them.