March 2025

The Ministry of Reconciliation               

With all the people in the world, few get far in life without suffering in some way at the hands of another. There are countless stories of cruelty, selfishness, petty meanness, or violence. But far more remarkable and wonderful are the countless stories of forgiveness. They are powerful and heroic for those who forgive join in God’s work.

Paul summed up Jesus’ work as reconciliation between God and humanity. Being reconciled to God is where the real work begins but it can’t be stopped, it spills over into all our relationships and into the world. It is one thing to be asked to be reconciled over minor differences and slights but some are being asked to forgive terrible things that were done to them. It is no small matter to ask people to forgive. We trust the Holy Spirit to let us know when it’s time and we can take another step.

This Lent, we are going to work at our own pace through reflections on God’s mercy to us, on the wrongs we have done, and will consider how we might grow in showing mercy to others. May God protect you and console you as you examine your heart this Lent. May you know God’s mercy and love for you.

Yours with love and prayers, Pastor Joel


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