September 12 to December 12, 2021
L4L has resumed on Sundays at 9:30 am. Dr. Kelvin Friebel is teaching on the Psalms of Lament as a way of learning to approach God in prayer during difficulty.
Join this class in person, or join us on Zoom.
Lament Psalms: Asking God the Hard Questions

Here is the detailed schedule:
- 12 September — Lament Psalms & Disorientation in Life (Book of Psalms: Prayers for every Season of Life)
- 19 September — Ps 13: “How long, Yahweh?” (The Structure of Lament Psalms)
- 26 September — Ps 88: “Yahweh, why do you reject me?” (Lament Psalms as “Protest” & the Incongruity of Praying when God is “Silent”)
- 3 October — Pss 85 & 143: “Will you, Yahweh, be angry forever?” (Lament Psalms based on the Covenant Relationship & the Character of God)
- 10 October –Thanksgiving Weekend (No Class)
- 17 October — Ps 6: “Why should I pray in the midst of trauma?” (Lament Psalms produce Change)
- 24 October — Pss 42-43: “Why am I so depressed?” (It’s Okay to Tell God Everything)
- 31 October — Pss 10 & 73: “Why do the wicked prosper?” (Lament Psalms & the Healing Process)
- 7 November — Pss 44 & 26: “Why am I suffering. when I haven’t done anything wrong?”
- 14 November — Pss 38 & 130: “Is my suffering due to my sin?”
- 21 November — Ps 35: “’Strike my enemies!’: Is it okay to pray that kind of prayer?” (Part 1)
- 28 November — Ps 109: “’Strike my enemies!’: Is it okay to pray that kind of prayer?” (Part 2)
- 5 December — Ps 55: “Why do my friends betray me?” (Lament Psalms & the Community)
- 12 December — Lament Psalms & the Church’s Worship