The Easter Sunrise Service is a much loved Christian tradition. Followers of Christ gather on the shores of a lake, or cemetery, or other outdoor location to await the rising of the sun. Waiting in the darkness, cold and dampness of early morning reminds us of the gloom that faced the early followers of Christ on that first Sunday morning after His death. It reminds us of Mary making her way to the tomb in the quietness and gloom of the early morning.
AND THEN … the sun breaks its first beams over the horizon. And we are reminded of the dawn of Christ’s resurrection. The first rays were just a hint of the glory that was to come as the truth of Christ’s reality began to dawn on His followers. “He is not dead! He is alive! He really is God! It is all beginning to make sense!”
Now we sing and rejoice in unison “The Lord is risen, He is risen indeed”!
Join with friends on Sunday Morning, 6:30 am, as we gather at the Wascana Marina* to await the breaking of the sun on this glorious new day. We will wait, pray, sing, and share warm fellowship. We will then gather at the church for a full breakfast celebration!
Everyone is invited to the breakfast. It is always a great time together.
* We will gather at Wascana Marina, on the deck of the Willow restaurant. The Willow is just north of the Wascana Park bridge on the west side of Broad Street.
6:30 a.m. at the Wascana Marina