FBC Blog

Monthly thoughts from First Baptist Church


November 27 2022

We are moving through the first weeks of Advent. The church building has a busy few weeks ahead. There are community concerts and our own Christmas concert. We are having our first Christmas dinner since before the pandemic. We are a holding a reflective evening service early in the season for those who are grieving […]

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November 13 2022

On Sunday, October 30th, our children and teens did a great job telling the story of Nehemiah and God’s people rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. A few of them helped lead the music as well. It is so good to be part of a church that receives the gifts that children offer, and affirms them.

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October 30 2022

(Norma Holtslander) The Restoration Chronicles              The “Restoration Chronicles” by Lynn Austin are a series of three books dealing with the Jews in exile. The story starts around the time of the leadership of Iddo and Zechariah and carries through to the time of Ezra and Nehemiah. I have never

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October 16 2022

As we move further into the fall, the excitement of new beginnings and events transitions into routine and long-term work of building up the congregation. Thank you to everyone who has offered to give up a Sunday seated upstairs in order to spend it with our children. Those who agree to lead have to spend

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October 2 2022

FBC Church Retreat        Just over 30 people gathered at Katepwa Lake Camp the weekend of September 18-20 for the first retreat since the pandemic. There was plenty of time for games, walks and resting, together or alone. We enjoyed good meals and times of singing and praying together. The weather was lovely

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