FBC Blog

Monthly thoughts from First Baptist Church


January 2024

Preparing for the Future            The calendar is turning again and another year has fallen away. Some are indifferent. For others, it is a chance to change. Some may feel trapped in a a cycle where nothing changes. Still others feel more keenly the uncertainty and instability in our world as […]

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December 2023

Preparing for Jesus            Over the last few weeks we’ve been reflecting on the return of Jesus while reading through Paul’s first letter to the church in Thessalonica. Advent was approaching and is now upon us, and the lessons were good preparation. When I told Carol Hepting that these lessons were

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November 2023

From Deuteronomy to Christ’s Return             We have spent the last few months preaching through Deuteronomy. I think it has been important for us to reaffirm as a congregation, out loud, that we are called to discipleship. We are to strive to do what is right and to reject what

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October 2023

Giving Thanks            Thanksgiving has been one of the major Canadian seasons throughout my lifetime. In school, we read stories about harvest being shared with newcomers to this continent. I was in a city school in Toronto’s suburbs but even there, thanksgiving meant farm-themed activity sheets and bucolic scenes of corn

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September 2023

Invited to Be Faithful            This summer, our van reached a milestone – 250,000km on the odometer. Once safe, I parked, took a picture and thanked God for the gift of a reliable family vehicle. God’s faithfulness to us is evident in a variety of ways. How have you seen God’s

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