The body of Christ:
Our members at work
October began with service where the children helped to lead. For the past year, we have seen our youngest generation grow in faith, in numbers and diversity. It is so encouraging. Thank you to everyone who help our children feel welcomed and at home, especially those who give time and energy to make sure we have Sunday school and nursery every Sunday.
Our youth group held Bible studies and went bowling this month with Pastor Chris. The bulk of the group is younger and they are bringing their friends.
Mark Doerkson, our CBWC Area Minister, visited us. He spoke at North of 60, our monthly group for folks who are retired and for seniors. He also had supper with the church board that evening.
A final highlight was our fundraiser luncheon for our Canadian Baptist Ministries partnership with the Baptist church in Lebanon. We spoke with a CBM staff person living in Beirut through this current war and heard about the way the church there is doing whatever it can, providing food and shelter, and spiritual and emotional care for people from across the country. Thank you to the mission committee for organizing this. And thank you to the many people who donated. Every gift mattered and it has added up to over $36,000 including our budgeted donations.
As I write this, a few of us have set aside a few days to meet for several times of prayer and reflection leading up to All Saints’ Day. We’ve been listening to stories from the lives of Christians who have gone before us. It is humbling to think that we are joined to people of such courage and faith, and that even now they surround us as we get through this life.
Thank you to each one of you for your prayer and presence in this body. It is a gift.
With Love, Pastor Joel
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