Making Our Way Through the Winter
With the New Year in full swing, our regular groups are underway. The youth group, bible studies, Voice, and other small groups are meeting again. The choir’s anthems have been lovely on Sundays. Michelle Coghill from MayBell developments, a Christian ministry, shared with North of 60 about the day care and affordable homes for single mothers underway in Heritage neighbourhood. And we had the fun of celebrating a baby shower. We are in the heart of the winter but we are carrying on.
But for many of us, the past month has been a hard time. There are many who are struggling with health and aging at home and quite a few people have spent time in the hospital. We are caring for one another with visits, meals, and help in other practical ways. A lay pastoral team is beginning to take form. All of this is a lovely testimony to God’s love.
However, no matter how much others do to help, the hardest work remains in our own hearts and minds. Each us of seeks from God and those near us the strength to keep praying, to keep trusting, and to give thanks in the midst of losing our mobility or independence. Jesus is our good shepherd. He has promised to be with us to the end.
No matter where you are in life, may you know that God is at your side and may he strengthen you daily.
Yours with love and prayers,
Pastor Joel
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