Voice Novel Study

Event Details

What is Voice?

Voice is a women’s literature group which meets every two weeks. We discuss a book related to our spiritual journey.

Additionally, we also meet occasionally to discuss a novel over a meal. This “novel” event is open to a wider audience, and allows first-timers an easy entry into the group.

Reading and discussing literature is a way of understanding our society, and how as Christians to relate intelligently to our ever changing world. We often gain insights about ourselves when we read. This is one way we can “love the Lord with our minds” and truly “Think First.” And it’s just plain fun too!

The “Novel” Event is Open to All

This event is open to any woman who has read the book and would like to meet new people and join in fellowship and friendship.

What are we reading for the “Novel” discussion?

“Last Train to London” 

by Meg Waite Clayton

The Last Train to London shares the story of real-life hero Truus Wijsmuller, a member of the Dutch resistance who risked her life smuggling Jewish children out of Nazi Germany. (She was honored as Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem. )

The mission known as Kindertransport carried thousands of children out of Nazi-occupied Europe. In addition to hearing about Tante Truus as she was known, the author imagines the lives of children such as Stephan (budding playwright), his younger brother. and Zofie-Helene (mathematics protegee).

Quick Links:


Location and time: We’ll meet in the church library at 2 p.m.

For more information, or to RSVP, contact Laureen Snook, send an email to the church, or call (306) 359-1450.



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