Special Service of Thanksgiving

Event Details

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“Glory to God Alone” – In Thanksgiving for Mark Anderson’s Years of Service

When: Sunday, May 7th, 11:00 am
What: A special Sunday morning service with guests, prayers, and communion, followed by a farewell meal and program in the lower hall.

We are all aware of Mark’s contribution to our worship services and concerts. Every Sunday for over three decades he has help direct our attention toward God. Many would also know and appreciate his humility, his great sense of humour and way with words, and his years of teaching Learning for Life. Mark has also frequently made himself available to support and advise the staff and board throughout his time. Outside our congregation, Mark has been the means of blessing many generations of young people and staff at Luther High School, including many of our own youth who attended there on scholarships thanks to Mark’s support.

Last fall, Mark and Roxanne announced their respective retirements here in Regina. This summer they will move to BC to a home in the mountains, closer to their sons and to the outdoor hikes and climbing that Mark enjoys. Please join us as we give thanks for all the ways God has ministered to us through Mark and to wish him and Roxanne well on this new time in their lives.

A love offering will be collected. For anyone wishing to contribute, gifts must be cash only. Please note that we are not able to issue receipts for income tax purposes. You may leave your gift in the offering basket at the church on Sunday morning, give it to a staff member, or bring it to the church before April 28th. Be sure to mark your envelope clearly with “Love offering for Mark and Roxanne Anderson.”


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