Shrove Tuesday

Event Details

Shrove Tuesday Celebration

Tuesday, March 4th

On Tuesday, March 4, 5-8 pm we will have an Intergenerational Celebration. Shrove Tuesday, also known as Pancake Day, is traditionally the last chance for a party before Lent begins.

Long ago, Christians traditionally used up all the eggs and fat they had in store by making pancakes and feasting on them. This was because when Lent came, they would fast to help them focus on God and not on the things they wanted. This tradition has been passed down the generations. It is also time to remember we are forgiven (‘shrove’ is an old word for ‘forgiven’) and to celebrate God’s goodness before we head into Lent.

We will be joining together to eat a traditional meal of pancakes. Pancakes and drinks will be provided. Please bring a topping (fruit, syrup, etc.) or side dish (bacon, sausage, etc.).Everyone of all ages are invited. There will be a time of games and activities around the theme of Lent. Activities will begin at 5. Supper will be from 5:30-6:30pm followed by a time of worship and then more activities and games. Please RSVP to by email to the church or phone 306-359-1450. A freewill offering will be taken to cover the cost of food and activities

Please sign up as soon as possible so that we can plan accordingly


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