3:16 Slice Journey Through the Bible

Event Details

This event finished on 25 September 2018


TNT Summer Bible Study: A 3:16 “Slice Journey” through the Bible

When: Tuesdays, September 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

Where: FBC Library.

Topic: John 3:16 is one of the best-known verses of the bible. This summer study will journey through the forty-nine 3:14 – 3:18 sections in the bible.  One might expect that most of the 3:14 – 3:18 sections in of the bible would have nothing to do with John 3:16. However, I’ve found mysteriously deep connections to John 3:16 in these 49 sections that I would love to share with you.  At three or four sections per week this will easily fill the summer. The first two weeks of May will be used to complete the study of Gospel of John, chapters 18- 21 from last summer.

Supper Option: Weather permitting some of us in past summers have met in Wascana park (or homes that people have offered)  for BYO Picnic suppers,  5:00- 6:30 PM.   Group will discuss at the study.

Starting in October we will be viewing and discussing a DVD and then another study.

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