August 21 2022

(Annabel Robinson)

Fellowship Is More Than Cake and Coffee        

A funeral and a wedding anniversary. Recently there have been two events that have invited us to look back on our lives and stare into the future.

Winnie Kelm’s funeral was on August 10. We heard from her family of a life so well lived, and were moved by the music they shared.

Ron and Marilyn celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a tea at the church on Saturday, August 13th. A number of their family were there and shared stories of the influence that Ron and Marilyn had had on them.

It’s at times like these that the church family is so important. None of us probably realizes how much our lives influence those around us. These celebrations inspire us with the love of Jesus.

As Ron said, none of us knows what the future will bring. But the faith to meet it is nurtured by the community we know now.

As Paul wrote in Ephesians, “Christ…makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” (Ephesians 4:16, NLT)

Formed by the Christian community of which we are now a part, we each contribute our unique share to the family that is First Baptist Church.

— Annabel


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