September 10 2023

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Listen to the sermon: Joel Russell-MacLean

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“A New Way of Life for Everyone”

Bulletin: September 10 2023

Scriptures: Deuteronomy 5-6; Psalm 19; Matthew 5:17-20



Joel Russell-MacLean

This fall, we are reading through Deuteronomy, one of the five books of Torah, the Law. We will be reciting the Ten Commandments and reflecting upon them as a call to live right in all parts of life. The instruction is so basic and yet challenging enough for the best of us that coming back to these rules for life is never wasted. 

Deuteronomy makes a few things clear before getting into the specifics of the law. 

The law is sign of God’s love and the obedience of God’s people is a response. 

God had saved Israel from slavery, led them through the desert, and gave them a land of their own, all before presenting them with the law. They had not earned any of this or God’s favour. Their obedience was mean tot be an expression of their gratitude and faith.

The law was giving Israel a way to live that would allow families, villages, cities, animals and the land itself to thrive. The law was for “their lasting good” and “to keep them alive.” Other nations would be impressed with the wisdom of their way of life. 

Deuteronomy describes a faith that is lived and shared. One generation taught the next by living it out, in homes, at work, at rest – everywhere. Many times, the vision revealed is beautiful. 


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