October 20 2024

Learning for Life: 9:30The Life of Peter” led by Henry Friesen 

JOIN our Worship Service: 11:00 am 

Listen to the sermon: Joel Russell-MacLean

Watch the recent Worship Service

Wives and Husbands


Bulletin: October 20 2024
Scriptures: Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians 5:21-33; Psalm 127; The Gospel According to Mark 10:1-8


Joel Russell-MacLean

One plan touches every human and God revealed that plan through Jesus.

Perhaps “one plan” is surprising given how diverse we are. We are facing different crises and important choices. We enjoy different things. We are all at very different points in our lives. The truth is, we have different ways of seeing things – or more pointedly, we have very different ideas of what is most important. We all have our own plans.

Jesus challenges each one of us, lovingly. All of humanity is caught up in Jesus’ life. Once we were dead, but now there is a way to life through Jesus, in Jesus, and to Jesus.

It is a way of life, that is a way to life. 

2000 years ago, a teacher and leader named Paul who had met Jesus wrote to a church he had helped start. He tried to give them a picture of all that Jesus had accomplished and what it meant for everyday life. This fall, over eight weeks, we will walk through this letter to see what it says about our way of life. 

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