Learning for Life: 9:30 “The Life of Peter” led by Henry Friesen
JOIN our Worship Service: 11:00 am
Listen to the sermon: Joel Russell-MacLean
Watch the recent Worship Service
Following the Path of Others to God’s City
- When the Saints Come Marching In (Louis Armstrong)
- For All the Saints (lyrics & melody, YouTube w lyrics (5,000 voices), chorus group, history, meditation
- I Will Not Be Shaken (with lyrics)
- Come, Let us Join Our Friends Above (congregation with lyrics)
- Jesus Draw Me Ever Nearer (lyrics, Getty video)
Joel Russell-MacLean 
We celebrate communion this coming All Saints’ Sunday.
Communion is not a word people use often these days. For example, someone might speak of “communing with nature” and by that mean an experience of closeness and communication of some kind with nature.
We call the meal we share together communion because it is a sign that God is close and invites us to be connected to him. By God’s grace, there is some kind of exchange between us and God.
The meal is also communion with one another and with all the Saints across time. We are one body, and there is only One Spirit, one baptism, one bread and one cup. In some way, this meal connects us. And we are united to those who have gone before us, who were faithful through their death which became their birth into eternal life. May we live in such a way that honours the witness of their lives as well as our calling to rise and to be seated at God’s side with Jesus.