May 12 2024

Learning for Life: 9:30 am

  1. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians – Led by Ron Phillips >> No class this week. 
  2. Faith and Fiction for All Ages – Various Leaders

JOIN our Worship Service: 11:00 am

Listen to the sermon: Joel Russell-MacLean

Watch the recent Worship Service


“What Story Am I in? Who Am I?”

Ascension Sunday

Bulletin: May 12 2024
Scriptures: The Letter to the Ephesians 1:11-22; Psalm 47; Acts of the Apostles 1:1-11


Joel Russell-MacLean

Jesus is alive!

Jesus died and was buried. Then on the third day, unexpectedly, shockingly, confusingly, terrifyingly, bewilderingly, wonderfully, he rose from the dead!

Jesus’ friends saw him, touched him, and ate with him.

What does this mean?

Jesus’ resurrection is about looking toward new bodies in a new world with Jesus who is alive – a “life after, life after death.”

Jesus’ life, death and resurrection is about living right now

This isn’t just good news about the future. The good news isn’t all about ‘going to heaven.’

Jesus is alive and that means Jesus is still at work in the world and in us. He is still inviting us to follow him. He teaches, heals, and feeds those who turn to him. 

The resurrection also exposes the direct connection between this world and the world that is coming. Our world and our bodies are not disposed of—just the opposite! God will renew our bodies and renew creation: this is the re-creation of sin-scarred life and the restoration of all that’s been lost. Life isn’t pointless. What happens here on Earth matters. 


Christians Wrong about Heaven“, An interview with Tom Wright

Death Be Not Proud by John Donne


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