Learning for Life: 9:30
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Listen to the sermon: Kayely Rich
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“Hope in the Face of Despair”
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Bulletin: March 26, 2023
Newsletter: March 19-26, 2023
Scriptures: Ezekiel 37:1-14, Psalm 130, Romans 8:6-11, John 11:1-45
- Introit: Lamb of God (songwriter live, background, contemporary cover)
- Days of Elijah (lyrics; video)
- I Know Whom I Have Believed (lyrics/melody; acappella/YouTube)
- Breathe on Me, Breath of God (lyrics; video)
- Response: Jesus Draw Me Ever Nearer (lyrics, Getty video)
Kayely Rich
This is God’s invitation to everyone and the focus of Lent:
We are all invited to return to God; to come home.
We are all invited to draw closer to the heart of our creator, whether it be for the first time or the thousandth time. Throughout the Sundays of Lent, we will look at various Scripture stories that invite us to return to our Lord.
This week, our Scriptures foreshadow Jesus’ upcoming death and resurrection. In the midst of a trying time for the Israelites, where the people of God felt abandoned by God, Ezekiel prophesies that the dry bones that represented the people of God would one day come back to life. Then Jesus risks his own life to travel near Jerusalem in order to raise Lazarus back to life. Lastly, Paul, in the epistle lesson from Romans, speaks of how the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead works also in us. Returning to God means that death will not have the final say in our lives either.
Today is the fifth Sunday in Lent, a season to prepare ourselves for the coming of Easter and to help us see the hardships of life and even our death in the context of the resurrection and life everlasting. Lent is a season of 40 days plus 6 Sundays to prepare our hearts for the realities of Jesus going to the cross, in all its significance. For some, this may be the first opportunity to observe Lent. For others, this may be very familiar.
From Fear to Love – Lenten Devotional 
To supplement our Sunday services, we are also inviting everyone to join us in reading a short daily devotional by Henri J.M. Nouwen entitled From Fear to Love.
If you have not picked up a copy, it’s not too late to join in as we seek to collectively encourage one another to draw closer to the heart of our amazing and loving God.