Learning for Life: Learning for Life is taking a summer break. We will have great sessions beginning again in September!
JOIN our Worship Service: 10:00 am Start time changes this Sunday!
Listen to the sermon: Joel Russell-MacLean
Watch the recent Worship Service
The Stories of King David:
Leading in Submission
- Seek Ye First (YouTube, history, instrumental)
- Crown Him with Many Crowns (lyrics & melody, choir, video, 2, energetic, history, 2, meditation)
- His Mercy Is More (with lyrics)
- Victory in Jesus (contemporary, acapella, meditation)
- Hear the Call of the Kingdom (lyrics & melody, video)
- Give Thanks (video, lyrics)
Joel Russell-MacLean

Join us this summer as we journey through the triumphs and challenges of King David’s leadership. His psalms and stories continue to be some our favourite parts of scripture. He comes across as direct and transparent in all his faith and weakness, integrity and failures. As we read about King David, it will give us a chance to reflect on leadership today.
We have several elections approaching this fall, what are our expectations of governments? Or of leaders at work?
We will also reflect on our own leadership, we are responsible for managing our own hearts.
Ultimately, King David points us to Jesus, his Lord, who modelled and taught that true leadership lies in weakness and self-giving service.