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Learning for Life 9:30 Special Guest: Dr Brett Salkeld
Worship Service: 11:00 am
Listen to the sermon John Nelson
Bulletin: January 19th
Newsletter: January 2020
Scriptures: Isaiah 61.1-4; Matthew 4.12-23
- O Boundless Salvation (lyrics & melody, video, w lyrics, author, meditation)
- Footsteps of Jesus (choir, with lyrics)
- How Good It Is (Gettys Live, with lyrics)
John Nelson 
From his baptism, after confronting the devil, Jesus began to invite people into the renewal of all things, into God’s coming kingdom. He healed, taught, and set people free.
Jesus also began to call women and men,
“Come, follow me!”
He taught those first followers to be his new community, the church. He sent them out to continue the work of caring and teaching others the new way of Jesus.