October 16 2022

As we move further into the fall, the excitement of new beginnings and events transitions into routine and long-term work of building up the congregation.

Thank you to everyone who has offered to give up a Sunday seated upstairs in order to spend it with our children. Those who agree to lead have to spend time preparing during the week. Offering to do this work builds relationships between volunteers, parents and each child. It increases a sense of belonging for everyone.

Thank you to everyone who is coming out to choir and to JuBELLation. Both these choirs work to prepare special gifts. The choir leads the singing every Sunday. It is a commitment of time and effort to meet for practice during the week and early on Sundays.

Thank you to our ushers, Rob, William and Gordon, who welcome everyone, respond when there’s an emergency, and keep an eye on people coming and going Sundays. Thank you to Rob, Marvin, Len, and others who have spent hours at the church, working on various maintenance and repair projects.

Thank you to the Sound and Zoom team, to Carol and Eleanor for visual arrangements on Sundays, to those who prepare communion, and to everyone who brings food and serves at “A Time for Friends” and the hospitality teams. These are a long lists of people who have committed to help. It is so appreciated.

Beyond all of this, during the week we have Saturday free downtown lunches, Bible and book studies, youth group, prayer times, and Mission events. Thank you to each one providing  leadership or helping out in these areas.

It is no small thing we undertake each year but we do it together. There is joy in our work (most of the time!) because it is the love of Jesus that keeps us going. His love has changed our hearts in such a way that we are better off when we find some way to take part, and when we do, we often experience his love for us in a new way.

Most of all, thank you to everyone who attends in any way, over Zoom, Facebook, or in person. May every one of us sense God’s welcome as we take part according to our ability.

With love,
Pastor Joel


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